Oregon Category
Senate Conduct Committee Takes Action against Brian Boquist
on Tuesday, July 9, 2019
In what was technically referred to as a “public meeting” that almost no one knew anything about, after the real public session of the Senate Committee on Conduct was over, the four members of the Committee: Floyd Prozanski (D), James Manning (D), Tim Knopp (R), and Alan Olsen (R) unanimously agreed to impose interim disciplinary measures against Senator Brian Boquist…
Read More »The Arrogance of Power Part 2 – The End Justifies the Means
on Wednesday, July 3, 2019
The stalemate which lasted for nine long days and got the attention of the entire Nation eventually came to an end when a political compromise was arranged between Republicans and Democrats, Eight of the eleven absent Republican members of the Oregon Senate agreed to return to the Capitol giving the Democrats the necessary quorum they needed to pass whatever legislation they wanted… Part of the deal was to table House Bill 2020, the so called Climate Change Bill which would have imposed an ambitious program of carbon trading in Oregon known as Cap and Trade to combat what people on the Left believe is human caused global warming. . In exchange for killing this Cap and Trade Bill Democrats received assurances from Senate Republicans that they would not walk out when HB 2015, the Bill that gives drivers licenses to illegal aliens came up for a vote…
Read More »The Arrogance of Power
on Friday, June 28, 2019
The Arrogance of Power By Scott Michael Rohter, June 28th, 2019 We have all heard the saying that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Well, in Oregon the Democrats exercise nearly absolute power. They have a super majority in the State Legislature and they have held the Governor’s office for more than two decades. During that time […]
Read More »A Christian Dilemma over Oregon’s Taxpayer Funding of Abortion and its Ongoing Status as a Sanctuary State
on Thursday, November 8, 2018
If you believe in God then you know that your first loyalty is to God. After that your loyalty should be to your family, and then to your country in that order. The State of Oregon doesn’t even make it to the short list…
Read More »Floyd Prozanski, Scott Rohter, Oregon’s McKenzie Highway and the Truth
on Friday, October 26, 2018
There have been over 9,000 accidents, 7,000 injuries and at least 200 deaths on the McKenzie Highway since Floyd Prozanski was elected to the Oregon Legislature in 1991. That is a fact. One of the main reasons I am running for office is to stop the carnage along this road, and to provide motorists with the safety they deserve on any Oregon State Highway, but it is not the ONLY reason I am running for office. Floyd and I disagree on many other issues, but the most important job of any public official is and it should be public safety…
Read More »Property Rights Essential if Americans are to Remain Free
on Monday, October 22, 2018
Property rights are one of the most important freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Enshrined in the Bill of Rights, the first major piece of legislation that Congress ever passed back in 1789, property rights are just as important today as they were back then. Without respect for private property freedom doesn’t exist. It wouldn’t have any meaning, and the protection of the right to own property is essential if we are to remain free…
Read More »Putting the McKenzie Highway on the Map. The Greatest Threat to Public Safety in Lane County
on Monday, August 27, 2018
The greatest threat to public safety in Lane County is not an earthquake. It isn’t the aerial spraying of commercial herbicides used in the logging industry. It isn’t the possibility of a terrorist attack. The greatest threat to public safety in Lane County is something that we have never even been told about. It is the danger we face from trucks hauling toxic chemicals, hazardous waste, and radioactive materials up and down the McKenzie Highway every day. It is the very real danger of one of those trucks crashing and winding up in the McKenzie River which is the water supply for 200,000 people.
Read More »Safe Highways Save Lives – The Latest Victim of the McKenzie Highway
on Saturday, June 9, 2018
Floyd Prozanski has been a member of the Oregon Legislature since 1993. He has been the State Senator from District 4 which includes most of the people living along the McKenzie River since 2004. There have been 103 deaths, 5,014 people injured, and 7,241 traffic accidents on the McKenzie Highway between Springfield and Redmond since Floyd Prozanski was elected to the Oregon Legislature, and he has done absolutely nothing about it. He has done nothing to improve the safety of one of Oregon’s most dangerous roads. The latest person to die is…
Read More »Watching Oregon go up in Smoke
on Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Every year between the months of July and November millions of Oregonians watch helplessly as the United States government just allows the our state to go up in smoke. My grandmother use to have a saying… Too much of anything is not good. Maybe the federal government owns too much land and they take it for granted or maybe they just plain don’t care, but our shortsighted and dysfunctional State legislature and a series of incompetent Democratic governors in Salem refuse to take the necessary steps that could put an end to this annual destruction of our State’s forests once and for all and protect what is left of Oregon’s precious natural resources…
Read More »The Fickle and Whimsical Nature of the Law
on Monday, March 20, 2017
The occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is over… It ended in January 2016 with the tragic shooting death of Lavoy Finicum and the arrest of Ammon and Ryan Bundy and about two dozen other protestors who were with them at the Refuge, but the occupation of half the State of Oregon by the Federal government still goes on to this day. In fact…
Read More »Judge in Malheur Occupation Trial Finally Rules on Ryan Payne’s Change of Plea Motion…
on Thursday, December 29, 2016
The old adage, “Better late than never” doesn’t really apply to Ryan Payne… He is one of the few defendants in the Oregon Standoff Trial who pled guilty to charges of preventing Federal officers from doing their job through the use of threats or intimidation. He pled guilty under duress and only in order to receive concurrent sentences in Oregon and Nevada on another federal indictment he will have to stand trial over next month involving the Bunkerville Standoff at the Bundy Ranch in 2014. For Ryan Payne it would have been better if the Judge had never ruled on his motion to withdraw that guilty plea…
Read More »Oregon Activist Judge Ann Aiken Strikes Again in Class Action Lawsuit over Climate Change
on Saturday, December 10, 2016
A Federal judge who is primarily known for sending Dwight and Steven Hammond back to jail for the remainder of five years as arsonists under the Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act has now exerted her extreme liberal bias once again in a national class action lawsuit over climate change…
Read More »Judge Kicks the Can down the Road Again for Seven Remaining Defendants in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation Trial
on Tuesday, November 22, 2016
The Department of Justice appears to be stalling and Judge Anna Brown gave government prosecutors until December 14th to finally decide whether they are going to proceed to trial with the seven remaining defendants in the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge or if they are going to drop the conspiracy charges against them…
Read More »Government’s Plan to Railroad Bundy Family Hits a Major Roadblock in Oregon
on Friday, October 28, 2016
A government vendetta against the family of Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy ran into a major roadblock in Oregon on Thursday when a jury unanimously found two of his sons; Ammon and Ryan Bundy not guilty of conspiracy and Federal firearms charges on all thirteen counts…
Read More »Ammon and Ryan Bundy – The Other Occupation and the Other Trial
on Wednesday, October 26, 2016
In case you don’t remember there has been more than one trial involving the Bundy family that grabbed the Nation’s attention. The trial going on right now in Las Vegas involves the standoff with the BLM that occurred at Bunkerville, Nevada in April of 2014. A previous trial involved the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon in December of 2015. That trial was about the occupation of the Wildlife Refuge which lasted for 41 days and resulted in one death and at least fourteen persons charged with conspiracy. Most of the defendants in that trial including Ammon and Ryan Bundy were acquitted of all charges.. There is however another trial going on which the media never talks about. That trial is going on in the minds of Americans all around the country…
Read More »Double Standard
on Monday, October 24, 2016
As a private citizen, Shawna Cox copied government documents and stored them on a thumb drive. In her official capacity as Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton stored over 30,000 government emails her own private server, and then deleted them all in a deliberate attempt to conceal the evidence of her influence peddling. Which is worse?
Read More »Misportrayed – The Most Mischaracterized Trial and the Most Misunderstood Defendants in Oregon History… Ammon and Ryan Bundy
on Saturday, October 22, 2016
The trial of Ammon and Ryan Bundy and five other defendants who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January of 2016 is notable both for what is being discussed in the courtroom and for what is not being discussed in the courtroom. What isn’t being discussed or barely being discussed in the courtroom forms the underlying basis for all of the defendant’s actions and the alleged crimes which they are accused of committing…
Read More »The Trial of the Century – The Occupation Trial of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
on Friday, October 7, 2016
The national mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about this. Maybe they think it is just too dangerous to talk about. I’m not sure, but I do know this. The most important aspect of the occupation trial of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge will never be discussed in the courtroom. It wont be debated in the jury’s presence because the judge won’t allow them to hear anything about it.
Read More »The Face of Federal Over-reach in America
on Wednesday, October 5, 2016
More than anyone else in America, Ammon and Ryan Bundy are leading the fight to change the way that Congress administers public land. These two dedicated men are sacrificing their lives to keep this subject in front of the Nation’s attention. Public land use reform became part of the Republican Party platform in the 2016 election primarily because of what these two men did in Nevada and Oregon…
Read More »Perspectives on the Occupation Trial of the Oregon Malheur Wildlife Refuge
on Tuesday, October 4, 2016
There seems to be a clear and concerted effort by the Federal government to manipulate the outcome of this trial by concealing exculpatory evidence from the jury. This evidence goes to prove or to corroborate the motives of the defendants and their intent, but Judge Brown has refused to allow any discussion of the defendants’ motives so far…
Read More »Guilty Until Proven Innocent – Ammon and Ryan Bundy try to Prove their Innocence Amid a Government Conspiracy to Convince the Public of their Guilt.
on Saturday, September 17, 2016
Ammon and Ryan Bundy try to Prove their Innocence Amid a Government Conspiracy to Convince the Public of their Guilt.
Read More »Just How Low will the Government Go to Convict the Bundys of Conspiracy?
on Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Opening arguments begin next week in the trials of Ammon and Ryan Bundy and five of the remaining co-defendants who are accused of conspiracy to impede Federal officers in the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The so called “occupation” lasted for 41 days. In a surprise move by prosecutors just before the trial began all of the charges against another defendant, Pete Santilli were dropped, but Mr. Santilli will remain in Federal custody until his other trial in Nevada begins later this year on similar charges relating to his involvement in the standoff with the BLM at the Bundy Ranch…
Read More »Ryan Bundy Beaten Up by Prison Guards and Placed in Solitary Confinement until Trial
on Thursday, August 25, 2016
Ryan Bundy, the eldest son of rancher Cliven Bundy of Nevada was beaten up by Multnomah County Detention Center prison guards for refusing to allow the government to remove a bullet lodged in his upper right arm. Mr. Bundy was one of the passengers in Lavoy Finicum’s truck on the day it was randomly fired upon by FBI agents and Oregon State Police officers. Mr. Bundy’s wrist and thumb were both dislocated in the jailhouse incident, and his head was smashed into a wall. During jury selection he was present in the courtroom and he looked like he had two black eyes according to eyewitnesses…
Read More »A Conspiracy Like No Other
on Saturday, July 30, 2016
Webster defines a conspiracy as a secret agreement to perform a wrongful or unlawful act. There are many different kinds of conspiracies, but they all contain two basic elements. They all include an element of secrecy and they all include the intent to do harm. They all begin with a desire to commit evil for some personal gain. No one has ever been indicted for planning a conspiracy to do good. That is no one until Ammon and Ryan Bundy. They are prisoners of conscience in an unconscionable prison…
Read More »Ammon and Ryan Bundy Hearing on Motion for Pre-Trial Release / Motion Denied is Justice Denied.
on Monday, July 18, 2016
The little court room was packed at the Portland, Oregon Federal Court house to hear the attorneys for Ammon and Ryan Bundy argue their respective motions on why they should be released from pretrial custody. It was the last item on the court’s calendar today which had to do with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January of 2016. The Bundys and two other defendants have been locked up now without trial for almost six months. This was the hearing I had come to witness…
Read More »Harney County Commissioner Steve Grasty Survives Recall Vote
on Wednesday, June 29, 2016
A County Court judge who also sits on the Harney County Commission which is a conflict of interest survived a vote to recall him today. The recall vote is a result of his actions and the decisions he made during the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Commissioner Steve Grasty is the Oregon judge who denied permission for residents of Burns, Oregon to use a public building in order to meet with protestors from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge…
Read More »Time to End the Occupation of Oregon by the Federal Government
on Saturday, April 23, 2016
The controversy over the Federal government’s use and control of land in Oregon didn’t begin with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge nor will it end with the death of Lavoy Finicum or the arrest of Ammon and Ryan Bundy on federal charges stemming from their month long protest in Harney County. Their peaceful demonstration at the Refuge was intended to call attention to the Federal Government’s unconstitutional occupation of 700 million acres of land in twelve Western States. The dispute over the management of public lands will not be settled at their trials because it won’t even be addressed at their trials. They are merely being tried on criminal charges resulting from their failure to obey police orders to leave the Refuge…
Read More »Sagebrush Rebellion Revisited – Time to End Federal Control of State Land
on Tuesday, March 22, 2016
In 1976 Congress passed the Federal Land Policy Management Act which formally repealed the Homestead Act of 1862 and put into practice the government’s current policy of retaining control over all public land…
Read More »Police Investigation into Shooting Death of Lavoy Finicum Concludes that the Use of Deadly Force was Justified
on Friday, March 11, 2016
Many Americans were outraged at the sight of an innocent man being shot in the back by the police while his hands up in the air. Some of them listened to the eyewitness account of Victoria Sharp and Shawna Cox who were passengers in Lavoy Finicum’s truck at the time he was murdered by police. An internal police investigation into the use of deadly force against Mr. Finicum concluded that the use of deadly force was justified…
Read More »Joint State-Federal Plan to Remove Four Dams on Klamath River Approved… The War on America’s Ranchers and Farmers Continues.
on Monday, February 8, 2016
Not only is the Federal Government waging a procrastinated war on America’s ranchers. Dwight and Steven Hammond, Cliven, Carol, Ammon, and Ryan Bundy, and Jeanette Finicum can all testify to that. Her late husband Robert LaVoy Finicum was recently shot dead in Oregon for objecting to the government’s unconstitutional land use polices. The Feds are not just waging a war on ranchers. They are also waging a war of attrition against farmers in the West… With the help of the Nation’s first LGBT Governor Kate Brown and the entire Oregon Congressional delegation which consists of five Democrats and one RINO Republican, the final steps have been taken to remove four operating dams on the Klamath River…
Read More »FBI Pulls the Trigger on the Demonstration at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns, Oregon
on Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Not far from Custer’s last stand in a remote part of southeastern Oregon there is a small wooden cross lovingly placed in the snow along Highway 395 not too far from the little town of Burns. It commemorates Finicum’s last stand. It is a rather crude wooden cross that was hastily erected to mark the place where Robert LaVoy Finicum died defending the Constitution he believed in. He was murdered by Oregon State Police officers and FBI agents after…
Read More »The Burning Question of Federal Land Use Policies and Land Ownership in the Western United States
on Sunday, January 17, 2016
All the bounty of God’s blessings and all riches and wealth comes from the land, and about half of the land in the western United States is owned by the Federal Government. To be exact forty-nine percent of the land in twelve western States including Alaska, but not counting Hawaii is owned by the United States Government. The actual percentage of land owned by the Feds varies in each State from a high of about 94% in Nevada…
Read More »From the Tenets of Hippocrates to the Epitome of Hypocrisy
on Sunday, August 30, 2015
listen to the news broadcasts these days with a increasing amount of skepticism and cynicism and rightly so. Regrettably there isn’t one major mainstream media news source in America that isn’t pushing their progressive agenda on the American public. From ABC to FOX News to NPR each and every major network is guilty of doing the exact same thing, and all of America’s major newspapers are doing it too. They are all guilty of violating their own professional standards of journalism and betraying the public trust in order to advance their globalist progressive agenda…
Read More »Small Portland Oregon Bakery gets Fined $135,000 for Refusing to Bake a Cake! – Just One More Injustice in a Long Line of Progressive Injustices.
on Saturday, April 25, 2015
Aaron and Melissa Klein, the owners of a small mom and pop bakery in Portland, Oregon were fined $135,000 yesterday for refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding ceremony. The judgment came approximately two years after a woman and her daughter walked into their Portland area store, Sweet Cakes by Melissa and wanted to order a cake with all of the appropriate decorations on it for what they called a wedding…
Read More »Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber Resigns amid Ethics Scandal and Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown becomes America’s First LGBT Governor.
on Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Four time Governor John Kitzhaber did an about face and abruptly resigned from office last week. It was one month into an unprecedented fourth term for the emergency room physician from Roseburg who was born in Washington and grew up in Eugene. He resigned under a cloud of suspicions and pressure from his peers while an ongoing criminal investigation into allegations of influence peddling by his fiancé continues to run its course…
Read More »Done with the GOP!
on Monday, January 12, 2015
Tolerance without discretion is not a virtue so today I have quit the G.O.P. I have decided to stop being tolerant of progressives in the Republican Party who are cooperating with Democrats to fundamentally transform the United States of America. I am done with the GOP. I will not cooperate with the progressive establishment of the GOP who want to destroy our constitutional Republic so I went down to the county elections office and I switched my Party registration to un-AFFILIATED. I registered as “not a member of any political party”… and I suggest you do the same…
Read More »“Cover Oregon” Health Insurance Exchange Dies – Troubled Oregon Health Insurance Exchange Finally Dies after a Terminal Bout with Progressive Stupidity
on Friday, April 25, 2014
Oregon’s very own version of the Federal on-line health insurance exchange called “Cover Oregon” tried to save others in Oregon, but it just couldn’t save itself from its own terminal case of stupidity and the stupidity of our progressive Governor who enthusiastically supported it…
Read More »Out of Control E.P.A. and Power Hungry Oregon D.E.Q. Claims they Found Levels of Toxic Mercury in the McKenzie River.
on Sunday, February 2, 2014
The McKenzie River is already one of Oregon’s cleanest and most protected rivers. Certain parts of it are designated as a “Wild and Scenic River” by the United States government and they receive the strictest Federal protections. The McKenzie River is well known to fly fishermen and drift boat enthusiasts alike. People from all over the world come to Oregon to fish in its clean waters and ride its lovely rapids, but wait… The rapids aren’t the only thing that are raging. The battle for control of the river is raging again too. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality says they recently measured trace amounts of mercury in two species of migratory fish that were caught in Springfield near the mouth of the McKenzie River where it joins the Willamette River. The two fish they tested were a Northern Pikeminnow and a Large Scale Sucker fish which make their home in both the Willamette River and in the McKenzie River…
Read More »Global Warming or Climate Change… or is it about Time for an Explanation Change?
on Wednesday, December 25, 2013
The temperature outside is a chilly minus ten degrees. I am not in Alaska mind you. I am in Oregon. I am not even in the mountains of Oregon. I am in the central Willamette Valley where the elevation is only about 400 feet above sea level. Is this global warming, climate change, or is it about time for an explanation change? Now there is a new Arctic air mass heading right for our Midwest States and the people back there are bracing for extreme cold. I think it is about time for an explanation change. I think it is time to re-examine the politically correct wisdom or the lack thereof about what is actually going on with the weather…
Read More »Smart Meters are a Dumb Idea Part 2… and so is EWEB’s Plan to sell its McKenzie River Customers to Another Electric Utility Company
on Thursday, September 19, 2013
It was a packed house. Every seat in the room was taken. There wasn’t a vacant space left in the parking lot. The little room was filled to overflowing with concerned Lane County residents who came to hear about their electric utility company’s latest hair brained scheme to sell their upriver customers to another electric utility company for some much needed cash after making a series of poor investments in wind and solar energy projects…
Read More »Smart Meters are a Dumb Idea – Eugene Water and Electric Board Tries to Sell its McKenzie River Customers for Cash
on Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I received a letter the other day from my electric utility company telling me that they were exploring something called a “service territory transfer”. I thought to myself, “What the heck is that?” Exploration is something you do in outer space, and what the heck is a service territory transfer anyway? What is being transferred, to whom, and why?
Read More »Oregon Follows Mexifornia Down the Road to Decline and Third World Status
on Saturday, May 4, 2013
On May 1st the United States of America lost another State on the left coast to stupidity. Oregon now follows California in a predictable head long plunge towards Third World Status with the passage of two crazy Bills in the Oregon Legislature. House Bill 2787 grants in state college tuition benefits to illegal aliens, and Senate Bill 833 allows these lawbreakers to obtain an official Oregon driver’s license, to make their illegal stay here more convenient…
Read More »Protecting or Not Protecting Oregon’s Historic Goodpasture Covered Bridge over the McKenzie River
on Saturday, March 30, 2013
Now that the repair work on the historic Goodpasture Covered Bridge is done, our Lane County Board of Commissioners should start considering how to best protect the bridge and the taxpayer’s investment in the newly renovated bridge.. However since they really didn’t spend much of the local taxpayer’s money, to fix it, they enjoy a certain amount of insulation from the cause and effect of the deliberate heavy use of the bridge by commercial logging operations.
Read More »RINOS Rule… in the Republican Party – A Bridge to Somewhere from a Position of Nowhere
on Wednesday, February 13, 2013
RINOS still rule the Republican Party in spite of all the hard work and determination of the Tea Party. Republican conservatives and libertarians keep fighting with each other, and shooting each other in the foot while RINOS remain solidly in control of the Republican Party. If we are not careful that is still the way it is going to be in four years. How does that sound for a winning political strategy in 2014?
Read More »Oregon Un-Republican Party! Is Michelle Malkin unknowingly helping to elect more RINOs in Oregon?
on Monday, February 11, 2013
They have to pay a national celebrity to come here to speak at their annual Lincoln Day dinner just in order to get Lane County Republicans to contribute enough money to keep the lights and heat on at their local Republican Party headquarters. Lured by the prospect of hobnobbing with a real media personality, some local Republicans pony up as much as 500 dollars a plate to keep their failing Party alive. I wonder if Michelle Malkin actually knows how she is being used in the effort to help elect more RINOs in Oregon…
Read More »Not One More Dime, Not One Damn Nickel, Not One Red Cent!
on Sunday, February 10, 2013
Republicans aren’t ready to beat Democrats in 2014, until we first defeat RINO’s in 2013. That should be our main goal for the next year, and I can assure you that it will be a formidable one after seeing what the Republican leadership did at last year’s National Convention with their rules changes…
Read More »The Worst Little Town in America: Coburg, Oregon
on Tuesday, February 5, 2013
This small town police department has been warned before by the Oregon Legislature not to use its police department to write traffic tickets along Interstate 5 just to generate money for the town coffers. In the past as much as 80% of the town’s revenue has been derived by writing these questionable traffic tickets along Interstate 5. Today the Coburg Police Department is still generating about 40% of the town’s revenue through its municipal traffic court…
Read More »Alley Cats : A Coterie of Republican Sycophants
on Sunday, December 9, 2012
I used to think that the phenomenon which makes northern Oregonians so different than people in the rest of the State and in the Nation was caused by something in their water supply at Bull Run Reservoir which is the source of the drinking water for the entire Portland metropolitan area. Perhaps it was a liberal virus that is now spread mostly through human contact, but which was originally transmitted by a waterborne pathogen from the depths of Bull Run Reservoir.Perhaps that explains all of the bull…
Read More »Oregon’s Lame County Republican Party…- Born to Lose
on Saturday, November 17, 2012
Oregon Republican Party State Chairman Allen Alley must be living in his own little dream world, and so apparently is about one-half of the elected members of the Lane County Republican Party! Why do I say that? Well, for starters…
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