Serious Political Commentary for Serious Conservatives

The Independent Voice for Conservative Values
and the Conscience of the Conservative Movement
Less Government is the Best Government



The "Chinafication" of America

The Justice of Inequity

Taxes are Not the Prime Factor in Creating Economic Growth.

Losing the Bigger Ideological Struggle With Socialism

Another Round of Quantitative Easing, or Another Round of Phony Conservatives?

The Occupy Wall Street Gang Vs. The Wall Street Gang

Two Political Parties Can Ruin the Economy, and the Country Just as Easily as One

The Key to a Healthy Economy

Blessed Are the Children

How Would You Like Your Government, Supersized Or Down Sized?

From Death Panels to Debt Panels

Just When You Think That The Federal Reserve Board Is About Out of Tricks...

Fixing Our American Federal Debt Crisis - It’s As Easy As One, Two, Three!

The Budget Control Act of 2011: (SB 627) 'The Bonehead Boehner Bill' - A Postmortem

Budget Control Act of 2011 - Is This the Best Deal That We Can Get?

A Debtor Nation is a Slave Nation - Is America Still the Land of the Free?

Addicted to Revenue - Does the U.S. Government Have a Spending Problem?

Going Deeper into Debt - Is the Federal Debt Ceiling Necessary or Not?

Cutting the Federal Budget. Are we Ever Going to get Serious About the National Debt?

The National Debt and Economic Slavery: A Political Parable

Let’s Get Serious About Cutting the Federal Budget and the National Debt

Ben Bernanke, High Priest of the Not Too Mighty Dollar

The Free Market, Socialism, and Monopolies: A Comparison

Victims of Success-Who is to Blame for America’s Downfall?

The Omnibus Spending Bill 2010 - An "Obamanible" Snow Job

Tax Cuts are Still Tax Cuts and Democrats are Still Playing Class Warfare

The First Chinese Rocket to the Moon – Unmasking the New World Order

The Union of Corp. Gov.

Liberty Bank Failure-Papé Name Turns to Mud

"The truth, the political truth, and nothing but the political truth.
A journalist has no better friend than the truth."
- Scott Rohter
