Posts Tagged ‘Ryan Bundy’
Images of Government Abuse
on Friday, November 3, 2017There are no cameras permitted in the courtroom. All cell phones are confiscated before you are allowed to pass through the doors. There is no way to record the images of government abuse going on inside of Judge Gloria Navarro’s courtroom… No one can photograph the spectacle of innocent Americans being treated as if they were guilty criminals. There is only an artist’s sketchbook or a writer’s pen to record the events.
Read More »Innocent Victims of a Government Conspiracy
on Tuesday, October 31, 2017Dateline: Las Vegas, Nevada… The home of gambling and prostitution… sometimes jokingly referred to as “Sin City”. This is the place where a team of United States Attorneys working for the Department of Justice are endeavoring once again to convict four God fearing, law abiding, Christian men of a myriad of serious crimes, all of them felonies, not the least of which is a criminal charge of conspiracy against the United States…
Read More »Prisoners of Conscience in a Prison without Conscience – Ammon and Ryan Bundy
on Sunday, May 7, 2017They have been in jail for almost a year and a half. Every day for the last month they have spent in solitary confinement, twenty-three hours and forty-five minutes a day, locked up in a small cell, each man by himself at a Federal Correctional Center in Southern Nevada. They are totally innocent victims of a government vendetta. Imprisoned without bail, they have been denied their constitutional rights by a Justice Department that doesn’t honor the Constitution, and a government that holds itself exempt from popular criticism…
Read More »Judge Kicks the Can down the Road Again for Seven Remaining Defendants in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation Trial
on Tuesday, November 22, 2016The Department of Justice appears to be stalling and Judge Anna Brown gave government prosecutors until December 14th to finally decide whether they are going to proceed to trial with the seven remaining defendants in the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge or if they are going to drop the conspiracy charges against them…
Read More »Barack Obama’s America
on Saturday, November 5, 2016WHAT KIND of a country locks people up who have not been convicted of a crime?
WHAT KIND of a Justice Department keeps them in jail after they have been found innocent of all charges?
WHAT KIND OF a judicial system allows their attorney to be tazed, handcuffed, and arrested right there in the courtroom after they are acquitted because he questioned the government’s authority to detain them? What kind of a government throws its full weight and power behind a vendetta against one American family in order in order to break them for simply standing up for their rights? Our country does. Under Barack Obama America does.
Read More »Government’s Plan to Railroad Bundy Family Hits a Major Roadblock in Oregon
on Friday, October 28, 2016A government vendetta against the family of Nevada rancher, Cliven Bundy ran into a major roadblock in Oregon on Thursday when a jury unanimously found two of his sons; Ammon and Ryan Bundy not guilty of conspiracy and Federal firearms charges on all thirteen counts…
Read More »Misportrayed – The Most Mischaracterized Trial and the Most Misunderstood Defendants in Oregon History… Ammon and Ryan Bundy
on Saturday, October 22, 2016The trial of Ammon and Ryan Bundy and five other defendants who occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January of 2016 is notable both for what is being discussed in the courtroom and for what is not being discussed in the courtroom. What isn’t being discussed or barely being discussed in the courtroom forms the underlying basis for all of the defendant’s actions and the alleged crimes which they are accused of committing…
Read More »The Trial of the Century – The Occupation Trial of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
on Friday, October 7, 2016The national mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about this. Maybe they think it is just too dangerous to talk about. I’m not sure, but I do know this. The most important aspect of the occupation trial of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge will never be discussed in the courtroom. It wont be debated in the jury’s presence because the judge won’t allow them to hear anything about it.
Read More »The Face of Federal Over-reach in America
on Wednesday, October 5, 2016More than anyone else in America, Ammon and Ryan Bundy are leading the fight to change the way that Congress administers public land. These two dedicated men are sacrificing their lives to keep this subject in front of the Nation’s attention. Public land use reform became part of the Republican Party platform in the 2016 election primarily because of what these two men did in Nevada and Oregon…
Read More »Perspectives on the Occupation Trial of the Oregon Malheur Wildlife Refuge
on Tuesday, October 4, 2016There seems to be a clear and concerted effort by the Federal government to manipulate the outcome of this trial by concealing exculpatory evidence from the jury. This evidence goes to prove or to corroborate the motives of the defendants and their intent, but Judge Brown has refused to allow any discussion of the defendants’ motives so far…
Read More »Guilty Until Proven Innocent – Ammon and Ryan Bundy try to Prove their Innocence Amid a Government Conspiracy to Convince the Public of their Guilt.
on Saturday, September 17, 2016Ammon and Ryan Bundy try to Prove their Innocence Amid a Government Conspiracy to Convince the Public of their Guilt.
Read More »Ryan Bundy Beaten Up by Prison Guards and Placed in Solitary Confinement until Trial
on Thursday, August 25, 2016Ryan Bundy, the eldest son of rancher Cliven Bundy of Nevada was beaten up by Multnomah County Detention Center prison guards for refusing to allow the government to remove a bullet lodged in his upper right arm. Mr. Bundy was one of the passengers in Lavoy Finicum’s truck on the day it was randomly fired upon by FBI agents and Oregon State Police officers. Mr. Bundy’s wrist and thumb were both dislocated in the jailhouse incident, and his head was smashed into a wall. During jury selection he was present in the courtroom and he looked like he had two black eyes according to eyewitnesses…
Read More »A Conspiracy Like No Other
on Saturday, July 30, 2016Webster defines a conspiracy as a secret agreement to perform a wrongful or unlawful act. There are many different kinds of conspiracies, but they all contain two basic elements. They all include an element of secrecy and they all include the intent to do harm. They all begin with a desire to commit evil for some personal gain. No one has ever been indicted for planning a conspiracy to do good. That is no one until Ammon and Ryan Bundy. They are prisoners of conscience in an unconscionable prison…
Read More »Ammon and Ryan Bundy Hearing on Motion for Pre-Trial Release / Motion Denied is Justice Denied.
on Monday, July 18, 2016The little court room was packed at the Portland, Oregon Federal Court house to hear the attorneys for Ammon and Ryan Bundy argue their respective motions on why they should be released from pretrial custody. It was the last item on the court’s calendar today which had to do with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January of 2016. The Bundys and two other defendants have been locked up now without trial for almost six months. This was the hearing I had come to witness…
Read More »Living in an Undeclared State of Martial Law
on Monday, July 4, 2016When you think of martial law you probably think of tanks rolling down the streets or soldiers standing on street corners carrying machine guns. In 1989 we saw both of these things happen when the Chinese government forcibly ended a month long demonstration by university students in Tiananmen Square. The Chinese Communist Party believed those students were a threat to their hold on power. In America our political system is very stable. Until recently there has been no real threat to either of the two major political Parties. The Democrats and the Republicans keep taking turns at the government feeding trough while they lead our country down the road to ruin and the New World Order…
Read More »Time to End the Occupation of Oregon by the Federal Government
on Saturday, April 23, 2016The controversy over the Federal government’s use and control of land in Oregon didn’t begin with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge nor will it end with the death of Lavoy Finicum or the arrest of Ammon and Ryan Bundy on federal charges stemming from their month long protest in Harney County. Their peaceful demonstration at the Refuge was intended to call attention to the Federal Government’s unconstitutional occupation of 700 million acres of land in twelve Western States. The dispute over the management of public lands will not be settled at their trials because it won’t even be addressed at their trials. They are merely being tried on criminal charges resulting from their failure to obey police orders to leave the Refuge…
Read More »Sagebrush Rebellion Revisited – Time to End Federal Control of State Land
on Tuesday, March 22, 2016In 1976 Congress passed the Federal Land Policy Management Act which formally repealed the Homestead Act of 1862 and put into practice the government’s current policy of retaining control over all public land…
Read More »Joint State-Federal Plan to Remove Four Dams on Klamath River Approved… The War on America’s Ranchers and Farmers Continues.
on Monday, February 8, 2016Not only is the Federal Government waging a procrastinated war on America’s ranchers. Dwight and Steven Hammond, Cliven, Carol, Ammon, and Ryan Bundy, and Jeanette Finicum can all testify to that. Her late husband Robert LaVoy Finicum was recently shot dead in Oregon for objecting to the government’s unconstitutional land use polices. The Feds are not just waging a war on ranchers. They are also waging a war of attrition against farmers in the West… With the help of the Nation’s first LGBT Governor Kate Brown and the entire Oregon Congressional delegation which consists of five Democrats and one RINO Republican, the final steps have been taken to remove four operating dams on the Klamath River…
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