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Posts Tagged ‘Ukraine’

All Quid Pro Quos are not the Same

Posted by Scott Rohter on Monday, November 11, 2019

All quid pro quos are not the same. Some seek to accomplish good, while others merely to accommodate evil. That is precisely why quid pro quos should be judged each on its own merits. Some are  well-intentioned  just like the people who make them while others are basically bad like the people who make them. There are about as many different kinds of quid pro quos as there are people and the different reasons that motivate them.  In other words… good people make good quid pro quos, and bad people make bad quid pro qous. It’s that simple.

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From Détente with the Soviet Union under Reagan and Gorbachev to Open Confrontation with Russia over Ukraine and Syria – Washington’s Russia Policy under Donald Trump is the same as it was under Barack Obama.

Posted by Scott Rohter on Monday, July 24, 2017

Someone has coined a term to describe Washington’s bellicose foreign policy attitude towards Russia. Ever since World War II and increasingly under the last four American Presidents, the United States has looked upon Russia with an equal measure of fear and disdain. The word that best describes Washington’s attitude is “triumphalism”…

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Lies, More Lies, and Continued Political Doubletalk about Ukraine

Posted by Scott Rohter on Saturday, August 30, 2014

Russia isn’t the only country that is lying about its involvement in Ukraine. The United States is lying too, and so is the European Union. No one is telling the truth about what is really going on over there and why. The real reason that America is so interested in Ukraine has more to do with the price of oil and natural gas than it has to do with democracy…

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Amazing Hypocrisy – The Amazing Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party has No Limits… and it has No Principles Either!

Posted by Scott Rohter on Saturday, April 26, 2014

They complain about the unlawful state of affairs in eastern Ukraine and in the primarily Russian inhabited cities of Slovyansk and Donetsk, but they said nothing at all about the unruly street mobs that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected government in Kiev or against the illegitimate government that replaced it…

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Beating a Dead Crimean Horse into a Ukrainian Trojan Horse to End the Russian Natural Gas Monopoly in Europe

Posted by Scott Rohter on Friday, April 4, 2014

They are still crying over the referendum in Crimea as if it was some kind of a tragic injustice to actually let the people of Crimea have a voice in determining their own future. They are still complaining about the results of this special election and how the Russian Duma subsequently annexed the territory after it became clear that most Crimeans actually preferred a political re-unification with Russia to their former status as a semi-autonomous region of Ukraine…

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Don’t Crimea River Over Ukraine – Crimea Referendum in Former Soviet Republic Favors Re-unification with Russia

Posted by Scott Rohter on Wednesday, March 19, 2014

It all started with a little lie, but that was so long ago that it really doesn’t matter… or does it? What matters of course in Ukraine today is that the residents of Crimea just held a public referendum on the question of whether or not they want to become a part of Russia again after a popular uprising in Kiev overthrew their democratically elected government and left most Crimeans feeling like they were out in the cold. What is the connection between the popular Orange Revolution in Ukraine and the fracking revolution right here in America? Well the result of the referendum in Crimea was that about ninety five percent of the people who cast their ballots in the hastily called special election said that they want Crimea to become a part of Russia again. Of course that doesn’t seem to matter to the people of Ukraine, nor to the European Union, nor to the United States of America which only wants to capitalize on the political turmoil and seize the opportunity to export American natural gas derived from fracking to Europe in order to increase demand and drive up prices here at home…

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