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One-Third of North America is Enough!
Stop the Hispanic Language & Culture from Taking Over Anymore of North-America

By Scott Rohter, November 2012

“There are things that we know, and there are things that we don’t know. Then there are the things that we don’t even know that we don’t know! Those things are the hardest...”

– Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense

California is already gone. Texas is teetering, and Florida could very well be the next State to go south... It could become the next State to leave the English speaking sphere of influence. After all it was once known to its Spanish and American residents as "La Florida" in the Spanish language.

From the tip of Tierra Del Fuego at the extreme southern end of Chile near the Antarctic Circle, all the way north to San Diego California, the entire Southern Hemisphere of our continent is home to the Spanish language and the Spanish culture. Mexico is a part of North America, but it also claims the Spanish language and culture as its own. One-third of North America plus the State of "Mexifornia" in our own country is enough already. But there is a movement gaining political momentum in Washington to claim the rest of this continent and the rest of our country for the Spanish language and culture too under the progressive agenda of multi-culturalism.

The colonization of the United States by Latin American surrogates for Spain is apparently still going on right under our noses. There is a determined political effort in our country led by Democrats but supported by many Republicans to grant a pathway to citizenship to an estimated twenty million Spanish speaking illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America who have taken up residence in our country illegally. If we don't stop this movement then those people who are organizing it will certainly become a powerful lobbying group in Washington D.C. and a permanent force to be reckoned with. That will only hasten the day when the English language is no longer the principle unifying force and the cultural institution that unites our country together. I don't mean to sound too pessimistic here, but it will also harbinger the end of our uniquely American experiment... the American melting pot. This is the idea described in the phrase "E Pluribus Unum"... of many people coming here from all over the world and becoming one people. If their efforts at multiculturalism are allowed to succeed then it will mean the end of the American melting pot. This determined effort which is of Spanish origin to re-colonize America through Mexican and Central American surrogates is dubbed the "Reconquista" by those who are leading it. The groups which are advancing this agenda are La Raza, Causa, and Mecha. They also helped to draft the current legislation which is now before Congress to legalize a pathway to citizenship for all of the estimated twenty million illegal aliens who are currently living in our country illegally and violating our laws.

In 1492 an Italian mariner named Cristobel Colombo, set sail from Spain and discovered America. He didn’t actually land on the American mainland, but he did get pretty close. He landed on a Caribbean Island. If he lived today he would be a pretty lucky guy. He could lie around on a beach all day just sipping margaritas. But following his discovery of pre-colonial America there was quite an intense period of overseas exploration by several European countries that were competing for new trade routes to Asia and America. This fierce competition lasted for several centuries. While these journeys were mainly for commercial purposes, the countries who sponsored them were also engaged in a highly competitive race to plant their flag in the new lands they discovered. They also transplanted their language, culture, and religion to the New World. In the process of their voyages of exploration they discovered many new islands, as well as two new continents… Australia and America.

America is a single continent, but it is separated into two different hemispheres, North and South America by a narrow strip of land that connects them both. This little strip of land is called Central America. It is narrow enough at the bottom to dig a canal across, and it is wide enough at the top to make it a very difficult border to patrol. We refer to this narrow isthmus that widens at the top to form the border between Mexico and the United States as Central America, but since almost all of the countries of Central America including Mexico speak Spanish as their native language, they are all a part of a greater South American Hispanic identity, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically. Mexico will always remain a part of this greater South American identity even though it is geographically located in North America. That is what I meant when I called this article "One-Third of North America is Enough."

North America was colonized and settled mainly by the British. It is composed of three countries. They are Canada on the north, The United States in the middle, and Mexico on the south. We have a common language (English) all the way from the tip of Alaska to the border with Mexico, and we have only three national political entities dividing us… Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This is a great tribute to the English propensity for political organization. Within our two countries there are a multitude of different religions and ethnicities that all merge to form our diverse American culture. Apart from the little province of Quebec we all speak English. At least that’s the way it was… until recently.

South America is a very different story. It was colonized primarily by Spain and Portugal with the tiny exceptions of little Belize and Guyana. There are approximately twenty-five different countries in South America, but there is basically only one main religion, Roman Catholicism. This is not a testimony to the organizational skills that the Spanish had, but rather it is a tribute to the Catholic Church’s excellent ability to organize.

The reason that Central and South America developed the way they did is probably due to the political divisions that existed on the Iberian Peninsula between Spain and Portugal in the period just prior to and during the colonization of America. Even more importantly, the divisions that existed within Spanish society itself between Castilian and Catalan probably had something to do with the way that Central and South America developed. Latin America reflects these linguistic, ethnic, and political differences. There have always been fierce political rivalries on the Spanish Peninsula. And there have always been fierce political rivalries between countries in Latin America. Perhaps this is a result of the Arab conquest and occupation of Spain in the years just prior to Spain's colonization of America. The Bible says that Arabs are a contentious bunch, and you can still see that on display in the Middle East today. Nevertheless all of the countries of South America with the notable exception of Brazil do share a common language, culture, and religion, all twenty-five of them.

So now with these facts in mind let’s try to remember that the race to colonize the New World was and still is a contest primarily between two countries, Britain and Spain, who were themselves fierce political opponents and rivals in the Old World. Today that rivalry is still largely being played out between the same two cultures and languages… English, and Spanish. After Christopher Columbus and Ferdinand Magellan pioneered the way to the New World, the Mayflower landed with Pilgrim settlers in Massachusetts, and other brave sea-faring captains sailing for Spain and Portugal landed with boatloads of Spanish settlers bound for Central and South America.

As a result of the prevailing Trade Winds that filled their ship's sails, the Spanish language and culture were firmly transplanted to Central and South America where they are still thriving today. Spanish language and culture are still the dominant social glue that holds together twenty-five different countries in Central and South America, and one-third of North America too.(i.e. Mexico)

Anglo Civilization and the English language however are confined to, and struggling to survive in only two-thirds of North America. The other one-third is occupied by Mexico. In the two-thirds of North America where the English language still survives, it is being challenged by French speaking people in Canada, and by Spanish speaking people in the United States. Now there is a political movement afoot in our own country to try to obtain a pathway to citizenship for 20 million more illegal aliens (mostly Mexicans) that will mean the demise of our English language and our American culture. That would bring us one step closer to the day when the Spanish language and culture would dominate in North America. I for one don’t see a single reason to help facilitate this goal, nor why I should step aside and make more room for Hispanic culture and language in the United States. Hispanics already have enough territory for their culture and language to prosper in Central and South America. They have plenty of room in their own hemisphere besides the fact that they already occupy one third of North America plus Mexifornia too.

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"The truth, the political truth, and nothing but the political truth.
A journalist has no better friend than the truth."
- Scott Rohter

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