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Wham, Bam, and Good Bye Graham! – Lindsey Graham Drops Out of the 2016 Presidential Primary.

Posted by Scott Rohter on Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Lindsey Graham1

Wham, Bam, and Good Bye Graham

 Lindsey Graham Drops Out of the 2016 Presidential Primary

Now if He would just Drop Out of the Senate too

Scott Rohter, December 2015



That old Graham Cracker from South Carolina named Lindsey  just dropped out of the Republican Presidential Primary and it wasn’t a moment too soon for me. He was starting to get on my nerves. So good bye to that stale old kookie. I won’t miss any more of his crummy campaign, or the bitter agony of his sweet defeat, and from what little I heard of his speech upon leaving the race I thought his  remarks were absolutely tasteless. All the time he was running he was constantly spewing out hateful comments about Donald Trump, but when it came time to cash in his chips like a man all he could do was whine like a baby. At least I won’t have to listen to any more of his ridiculous campaign promises played over and over again on the mainstream media.

Mr. Graham didn’t like being relegated to the back stage in the undercard debates with all the rest of the underachievers in the GOP Primary. He thought he deserved a place in the limelight, but where else would you put a guy who pals around with John McCain and brags about how he would teach the Russians a major lesson if he was elected President while he never got more than a measly one percent in the polls?  I would have kept him off the main stage too, and I would place him as far away from the levers of power as humanly possible because with his lack of diplomatic skills he could actually trigger World War III.  

I really never did like old Graham Crackers anyway. I would much rather have a Big Apple Pie served up by Donald Trump than a stale, old Graham Cracker named Lindsey.


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