Posts Tagged ‘Russia’
Russia: Friend or Foe ? The Russian Conundrum
on Thursday, November 28, 2019
For over a thousand years Russia has looked to the West to Europe for innovation and inspiration, for advances in science and technology. French and Italian architects designed and constructed many of its most famous buildings including its lavish palaces, the residences of the Tsars, as well as its iconic churches, and museums. German and Dutch scientists and engineers explored its vast interior in search of valuable natural resources
Read More »From Détente with the Soviet Union under Reagan and Gorbachev to Open Confrontation with Russia over Ukraine and Syria – Washington’s Russia Policy under Donald Trump is the same as it was under Barack Obama.
on Monday, July 24, 2017
Someone has coined a term to describe Washington’s bellicose foreign policy attitude towards Russia. Ever since World War II and increasingly under the last four American Presidents, the United States has looked upon Russia with an equal measure of fear and disdain. The word that best describes Washington’s attitude is “triumphalism”…
Read More »Amazing Hypocrisy – The Amazing Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party has No Limits… and it has No Principles Either!
on Saturday, April 26, 2014
They complain about the unlawful state of affairs in eastern Ukraine and in the primarily Russian inhabited cities of Slovyansk and Donetsk, but they said nothing at all about the unruly street mobs that overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected government in Kiev or against the illegitimate government that replaced it…
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