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Posts Tagged ‘Middle East’

Will There Ever be Any Real Winners and Losers in the Middle East ?

Posted by Scott Rohter on Friday, August 1, 2014

In life there are always winners and losers. In love and war just as in peace and politics there are always those who emerge victorious and take the prize and others who don’t. There are winners and losers in every human endeavor whether it is for the prize of a young girl’s affections in a friendly contest over matters of the heart or it is the for a prized seat in Congress in a hard fought political campaign. Whether it is for control of a small territory like Gaza or control of an entire country like Iraq or Syria, or for that matter Egypt, Libya, and Ukraine there are always winners and losers in life… but not to a liberal.

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Just another Bloody Day in the Middle East – Nothing of Lasting Significance

Posted by Scott Rohter on Wednesday, July 31, 2013

It seems like the Middle East is slowly bleeding to death, and it literally is. Nothing and no one is able to stop all of this bloodletting or staunch the flow of red blood corpuscles, and no one from the West should even bother to try. The inherent hostility that exists between different sects of Muslims predates all of the current conflicts and goes all the way back to the actual founding of their religion when one group of followers of the prophet Mohoammed cut off the head of his only male heir, his nephew Ali. That single act launched Islam on its eternally bloody path…

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