Posts Tagged ‘Madison Avenue’
The Sound of Music
on Saturday, February 9, 2013
President Obama is scheduled to speak to the Nation again… The announcement came over the radio that he is supposed to discuss America’s financial woes. The Democrats have created yet another mass media campaign to sell us on their latest piece of budget breaking legislation…
Read More »Politics, Smoke, and Mirrors – When Smoke Gets in Our Eyes
on Thursday, January 24, 2013
No one likes the sting of smoke in their eyes. And the American people are tired of having smoke blown in their faces by over ambitious young politicians who are running for public office. We want our candidates to be honest…We want them to be candid with us. Afterall the root word of candidate is candid. A candidate is someone who is supposed to be candid. We prefer that our leaders tell us the truth. We would like them to say what they really mean, rather than just tell us what they think we want to hear.
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