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Posts Tagged ‘GOP convention Cruz speech’

Ted Cruz’s Political Ambitions are even Bigger than his Head. That’s why the Nevertrumper Never Learns !

Posted by Scott Rohter on Thursday, July 21, 2016

It was obvious from his speech last night on the floor of the Republican National Convention that Ted Cruz still has political ambitions… very big political ambitions… political ambitions that are much bigger than just being the junior Senator from the State of Texas. In fact, from the speech that he gave last night on the floor of the Convention it is obvious that his political ambitions are even bigger than his head is. We haven’t finished the 2016 Presidential Election and he is already running for President in 2020. He is hoping that Donald Trump will lose the election in 2016 so he can run against Hillary in 2020. Imagine the nerve of this guy…

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