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Lap Dog Media for Democratic Presidents

Posted by Scott Rohter on Monday, November 23, 2015





“Let’s hear one more voice in the debate over admitting Syrian refugees into the United States. We heard last week from Michigan’s Governor who wants a pause in admitting refugees. We have heard from Washington’s Governor on this program who welcomes them… and now we have the mayor of Prospect Park, New Jersey. He is of interest because Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey opposes letting in more Syrian refugees … and also because the mayor himself is Syrian American. His name is Mohammed Carulla. Welcome to the program. What do you make of your Governor’s concerns? ” That was how so called journalist, Steve Inskeep on National Public Radio began his report on the refugee crisis in 2015, and it is just another example of why so many Americans despise the mainstream media… 

That was all I needed to hear to hit the off button on my radio. With a name like Mohammed you can  probably guess what NPR’s so called guest person of interest had to say on the subject of admitting more Syrian refugees into the United States.

Instead of selecting a member of the Syrian American Christian community who might be opposed to admitting more refugees based upon common sense and his own first-hand, personal experience NPR picked a Syrian Moslem named Mohammed who is guaranteed to support President Obama’s plan to allow more Syrian refugees into our country.

This is why the mainstream media has earned the well-deserved reputation of being a lap dog for Democratic Presidents.

Two of the terrorists who attacked Paris were Syrian refugees who entered Europe through Greece. Of course that inconvenient little fact never made its way into the National Public Radio report. Any American in their right mind should oppose letting more Syrian Muslims into the United States simply because of the increased risk that they pose.   ISIS has already infiltrated the refugees coming to Europe. Syrian refugees should remain in their own land and fight for their own freedom instead of running away to Europe and America. We don’t need any of their violence and turmoil in the United States. We have enough of our own…  unless of course you are Barack Obama and NPR.

Categories: International, National

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