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Immigration: Enough is Enough Already !

Posted by Scott Rohter on Monday, March 14, 2016


illegal immigration 3

Strength in Diversity?

By Scott Rohter, March 2016


Forty eight years of leftist, progressive policies have almost ruined our country. They have bankrupted our republic and fractured our society so much that we can hardly agree on anything anymore. Sixteen years of Bill Clinton left a generation of Americans morally disillusioned. Sixteen years of George Bush have seen many of our liberties slip away,  and the last sixteen years under Barack Obama  have left millions of Americans worse off economically than they have ever been before. During this time America has taken in over 50 million immigrants from all over the world. Many of them have come to our country illegally or overstayed their visas and remain here illegally, and they continue to violate other laws after they arrive. Many of them hate America and they harbor evil intentions towards us. All of this has led to the anger and the frustration that we feel.

We are seeing our country being ripped apart because of a lack of good leadership. We are watching our cherished way of life and our position as a world leader disappearing right before our eyes. Our future and our children’s future is slipping away just like the value of our currency is slipping away. Progressive policies promoted by Democrats and Republicans are the main cause of our problems. Donald Trump didn’t create these problems. Professional politicians in both Parties have caused this. Bill and Hillary Clinton, George and Jeb Bush, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer among others have caused these problems…. These are the same people who are throwing stones at Donald Trump. These are the same people  who are trying to prevent him from succeeding… 

Too much immigration has led to the destruction of the social fabric and the cultural cohesiveness of our country. There is an old saying that too much of anything is not good… Too much sun will burn you… Too much water can drown you… There are over 315 million people in America. We cannot afford to accept any more immigrants.. This is not because of what it costs us in terms of money. We can ‘t afford to do it simply because of what it is doing to our society in terms of the lack of cultural cohesiveness…  Strength doesn’t come from diversity. This is a myth that is perpetrated by Democrats. Diversity brings division. Our leaders in Washington don’t seem to know the difference between strength and division. When Donald Trump talks about bad leaders in Washington who are making bad decisions he is talking about this.

America is a nation of immigrants. That is certainly true, but we have plenty of immigrants already. When is enough, enough? We can no longer agree on anything as a country. We are hopelessly divided over every major political issue that we face. Our politicians are manipulating this division for their own personal and political gain. We need to come together as a country to solve our problems, but we cant do this because of all the diversity. No one even agrees on what these problems are more less how to solve them. There is no general consensus on anything in America because of all of the diversity…

African Americans voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 in overwhelming numbers. Hispanic Americans voted for Ted Cruz in the Republican Primary in 2016 in overwhelming numbers. It doesn’t seem to matter to either constituency whether their candidate is even eligible to be President or not.  All that matters to them is that he is Black or Hispanic. They don’t care one iota about the United States Constitution, and both political Parties keep pandering to these ethnic groups while the rest of us who try to chose the best qualified candidate are simply ignored.  There is another old saying :  United we stand,  divided we fall.

We must drastically change our country’s immigration policies if we are to survive. We must digest the immigrants who are already here in our country or “on our plate” before we ask for another helping of more immigrants… They must assimilate before we gorge ourselves on more immigrants from different  countries with different cultures and customs than our own..

America doesn’t need more people.. We need more wisdom from the people who are already here. We need to elect more non-politicians to Congress who are not controlled by political action committees or big corporate donors. We need to elect Presidents who are Natural Born Citizens, born in America of American parents like Donald Trump, not Barack Obama or Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio so that we don’t further establish a very bad precedent of electing people to the highest office in our land whose loyalties are questionable.

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