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Posts Tagged ‘Federal Land Policy Management Act of 1976’

A Conspiracy Like No Other

Posted by Scott Rohter on Saturday, July 30, 2016

Webster defines a conspiracy as a secret agreement to perform a wrongful or unlawful act. There are many different kinds of conspiracies, but they all contain two basic elements. They all include an element of secrecy and they all include the intent to do harm. They all begin with a desire to commit evil for some personal gain. No one has ever been indicted for planning a conspiracy to do good. That is no one until Ammon and Ryan Bundy. They are prisoners of conscience in an unconscionable prison…

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Ammon and Ryan Bundy Hearing on Motion for Pre-Trial Release / Motion Denied is Justice Denied.

Posted by Scott Rohter on Monday, July 18, 2016

The little court room was packed at the Portland, Oregon Federal Court house to hear the attorneys for Ammon and Ryan Bundy argue their respective motions on why they should be released from pretrial custody. It was the last item on the court’s calendar today which had to do with the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in January of 2016. The Bundys and two other defendants have been locked up now without trial for almost six months. This was the hearing I had come to witness…

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