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© Scott Rohter. All rights reserved.
You may link to any articles you find on this website. Please don't add or delete anything from any articles and don't alter them in any meaningful way. Always remember to acknowledge their source if you are republishing them on another website. Thank you for your cooperation and if you enjoyed anything you read here please tell others about this site. If you have any further questions or if you would just like to let me know that you are using my articles, you may email me at info@lessgovisthebestgov.com I look forward to hearing from you. Government is a necessary evil. But when it meddles in things that are arbitrary or unnecessary it becomes more than just a necessary evil. It becomes a tyranny. Freedom and virtue can lift a nation from the shackles of selfishness and sin. But whenever government becomes too big, freedom and virtue are endangered. We were given a Constitution to protect freedom and virtue. The Constitution was created to limit the Government's authority over our lives. For too long Congress, the Courts, and the President have all been adding to their rather limited powers. It is up to us to insist that our leaders and elected officials adhere to the Constitution. We do this by accepting personal responsibility for our lives... By not becoming dependent on government. Through our actions we demonstrate that we want elected officials to follow the Constitution. That is how we get government to return to being what it was meant to be in our lives... Limited and Constitutional ~ Editor ~ ![]() Special Thanks to Kay Sellati and Kelly Hodsdon. |