Posts Tagged ‘Jesus Christ’
Will Israel Try to Rebuild the Jewish Temple?
on Thursday, December 26, 2019
Some people think that in light of recent events in the Middle East such as the United States moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and its right to build settlements in the West Bank, and with the most pro Israel president in U.S. history in the White House, plus the current thaw in Israeli / Saudi Arabia relations that the time is right for Israel to rebuild the Jewish Temple…
Read More »The Golden Calf
on Thursday, December 12, 2019
Throughout history there have always been people who worship idols, the work of their own hands. All of the great civilizations before us: the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, and the Romans all worshipped idols. The people who lived in the Holy Land before the Jews arrived worshipped idols. They erected images to Baal, Molech, and Dagan. There were even Jews who worshiped idols, like the ones who worshiped the Golden Calf mentioned in the Book of Exodus…
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