Bruce Jenner Extreme Makeover – Made in the Image of God. Made Over by the Sinful Imagination of Man.

Posted by Scott Rohter on Sunday, July 5, 2015


Bruce Jenner Vanity Fair cover

 Cultural Icon or Sexual Deviant?

By Scott Rohter, July 2015


Bruce Jenner In Touch coverWhy is the media so fascinated with Bruce Jenner?  He has been on the cover of Vanity Fair and In Touch magazines. He has been showcased in People, Time, and Us.  His story has been told and retold couontless times in numerous publications and news stories all across the United States from the New York Times to CNN, to NBC, to the USA Today. They have all made him the subject of lengthy personal interviews. Diane Sawyer has even narrated a prime time television special about Bruce Jenner’s life on ABC.

The reason the media is so fascinated with Bruce Jenner is because journalists are just about as mixed up as he is. They are about as lost as he is too which explains why our country is floundering around in the dark the way we are. As a nation we are struggling to find our way. The government and the media have lost all semblance of common sense. Liberals are trying to turn Bruce Jenner into some kind of a cultural icon, but the days when he was a real American hero are long gone… Bruce Jenner is a sexually maladjusted deviant today !

Until recently Jenner has been primarily known for being married to Kim Kardashian’s mother. That was his main claim to fame, but after trying to turn himself into a woman for the last five years he has finally been recognized as the real American “nut job” that he is. Progressives are trying to turn him into some kind of  a courageous sexual pioneer, but after everything he has done to his body over the last five years… after all of the mutilations he has undergone in order to satisfy the demon within… he is still a man,  a very mixed up man, but still a man. He is still a man after all of the plastic surgery, after all of the prescription drugs and after all of the hormones he has taken to grow breasts and get rid of his beard. Bruce Jenner is a man no matter what he does to his body to try to change his exterior appearance because on the inside Bruce Jenner remains a man and he will always remain a man no matter how much money he spends in a misguided effort to try to change the reality of his existence. The problem with Bruce Jenner is not between his legs.  The problem with Bruce Jenner is between his ears. His problem is all in his head.

Do you know what liberals call it today when a mixed up man like Bruce Jenner has his entire body surgically mutilated in order to try to become a woman? They call it as “gender re-assignment surgery”.  Hello!!!  You cannot reassign somebody’s gender. It was permanently assigned before birth. Bruce Jenner cannot become something he isn’t. He is not a woman…  He will never be a woman.. never  in a million years !   He was a man before he was even born. From the moment that his father’s sperm impregnated his mother’s egg Bruce Jenner’s sexual identity was  determined for the rest of his life. There isn’t a thing he can do about it, nor anyone else can  do about it either. He was born with  x and y chromosome in his DNA which make him a man. He will always be a man for the rest of his life no matter what he or anyone else does to try to deny reality. The proof of this is that he obviously provided the sperm to father his four children when he still had the common sense to know that he is a man.  He didn’t supply the eggs and he never will.  He supplied the sperm. Even if he has already had his penis removed and a prosthetic vagina surgically implanted in its place this prosthetic device will never be able to produce an egg and he will never be able  carry a baby to term. He doesn’t have a womb.

Bruce Jenner People Magazine CoverDeranged doctors can make him look like a woman on the outside in order to accommodate some mixed up fantasy that he has in his head, but a man’s sexual identity is not determined by what is between his legs nor is it determined by what doctors do to him on the operating table in a plastic surgeon’s office. His sexual identity  is not re-assigned by doctors in a hospital. His gender is not changed by taking prescription drugs or massive doses of estrogen. A man’s sexual identity is established and set in stone before he before he could utter a single word, before he could even think… by a tiny little Y chromosome in his DNA. The Bible says that man is made in the image of God, but Bruce Jenner is trying to re-make himself  in the mixed up imagination of his own head. It is a makeover straight from Hell.

Liberals believe that humans cause global warming. They believe that an unborn baby is not a human being so a woman should be able to murder her unborn baby with impunity. Now they believe that they can deny gender reality.  All three of these liberal perspectives deny reality. The plain and simple truth of the matter is that Bruce Jenner will always be a man no matter what he does to try to change reality. What makes Bruce Jenner a man is not between his legs… You are still a man even if your penis has to be cut off in order to save your life or your testicles removed because they have cancer. What makes someone a man or a woman has nothing at all to do with what is between their  legs or for that matter with what is between their ears.  What makes someone either a man or a woman  is determined by their D.N.A. and that is something that cannot be changed. The reality of Bruce Jenner’s life is that he is the father of four children not their mother. 

There is also no such thing as gender fluidity or transitioning between different sexes. The term “transgender“  is a misnomer. No doctor can provide Bruce Jenner with the other X chromosome that would make him a woman. No doctor can implant inside him a functioning vagina or a womb that can produce an egg and carry a baby to term. Doctors can only sadly alter your  physical appearance. They cannot enable a man to get pregnant and bear a child.  Most people still have the common sense to know these things, but sadly there are too many liberals who have spent so many hours in front of a television set watching all of the absurd things coming from Hollywood that they have lost all common sense. They  can’t tell the difference between fact and fiction anymore.

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