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Posts Tagged ‘conservative victory strategy’

Conservative Victory Strategy

Posted by Scott Rohter on Saturday, November 16, 2013

What the Republican Party won’t do for America, real conservatives can. But we will first need to develop an effective strategy. The Republican Party will not be the vehicle through which conservatives are going to redeem our country. It is not going to be the vessel by which we restore respect for the Constitution, re-awaken traditional values in our society, or return to the basic fundamental principles of personal responsibility and limited government. It is not going to prevent the United States from borrowing more money that it doesn’t have, or stop the Federal Reserve Board from printing fiat money from out of nowhere which is backed up by virtually nothing. The Republican Party such as it be, is never going to implement the much needed policy changes at the Federal level that will stop the United States government from running up large annual deficits or allow us to pay off our huge Federal Debt. So what can we do about that…

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