Serious Political Commentary for Serious Conservatives

The Independent Voice for Conservative Values
and the Conscience of the Conservative Movement
Less Government is the Best Government


The Union of Corp. Gov.
The Merger of Unions, Corporations, and Big Government

By Scott Rohter 

"Thoughtful and well informed citizens are the best hope for our continued freedom and prosperity"
- Scott Rohter

The Nature of the Problem

To many Washington observers America's two major political parties look remarkably alike these days. It is becoming very hard to tell them apart... so much so that I don't see a big difference between them anymore. It is just as if the Republican Party and the Democrat Party have merged. Some people refer to this merger as
"The Establishment" while others prefer to call America's two major political Parties the "Democans" and the "Republicrats" as a sign of our disrespect.. Yet there are still many people who think that the Republican Party is the Party of Big Business, and the Democrats are the Party of Big Government and Big Unions, but I don't think that it is the case anymore. I don't think this analogy is really accurate anymore. I believe that the peculiar merger of both political parties along with big business and big government too has led to the creation of an entirely new kind of entity called The Union of Corp. Gov. The way I see it we don't live in the United States of America anymore. We are really living in a kind of post Constitutional Republic called The Union of Corp. Gov. As the saying goes... There are two political Parties in America, and one of them is the Republicans and the Democrats.

The Origins of The Union of Corp. Gov.

Big Business has always exercised an excessive amount of influence over our government.  Money talks and politicians listen. Unfortunately they listen too much to the sound of money going into their personal bank accounts, but the Constitution doesn't give corporate executives with a lot of money any more say in the affairs of government than anyone else has nor any more votes than an average assembly line worker at one of their plants, and just to be sure corporations don't vote. People vote, and whether you are rich or poor you only vote once.

With the advent of unions in the early part of the 20th century we now have both Big Business and Big Unions trying to exert their influence over our government. Money is the ticket that buys their way into the corridors of power where they attempt to exercise their influence over our elected representatives.  Sometimes Big Business and Big Unions even write the legislation that Congress votes on.  This incestuous relationship between government, big business and big unions provides for a very unhealthy situation that was never anticipated by our Nation's Founding Fathers.

The Election Cycle

Our elections have become a gigantic cash cow for the corporate media. Every two years elections are either won or lost the same way that politicians are bought and sold with a lot of money being tossed around by Big Business and Big Unions. Every time America has an election there is a vast transfer of wealth from businesses, corporations, and unions to the media as they buy the air time to try to influence our elections... Thousands of candidates from all over the country as well as their supporters contribute vast sums of money to the mostly liberal media in order to buy the network airtime that is necessary to get their message out to the voters.

Thoughtful conservatives and libertarians are in a quandry as to just what to do about this since when we give money to the liberal media we are actually empowering the same liberal ideology that we are trying to defeat at the polls. We do this whenever we donate to our favorite candidates who buy the campaign commercials and the T.V. and radio air time on the national networks. We must find another way to get our conservative message out to young voters without empowering these same liberals whose progressive ideology we seek to defeat at the voting booth.

The Federal Reserve Connection

The real ground work for The Union of Corp. Gov. was laid down in the early part of the 20th century when Congress, at the behest of Senator Nelson Aldrich and John D. Rockefeller, the president of Standard Oil,  J.P. Morgan, the internationalist banking tycoon, Paul Warburg who represented European Banking interests, and certain others, passed legislation creating the Federal Reserve Board. It handed over control of our nation's monetary policy to a small group of privately owned banks. "The power to coin money and determine the value thereof", which the Constitution had specifically delegated to our elected representatives in Congress was thereby turned over to an unelected cartel of private bankers in 1913.  Is it any wonder then that 100 years later they are printing fiat money out of thin air in the exact amount of our country's national debt in order to satisfy our nation's creditors and pay our country's bills?

Whatever Lola Wants... Lola Gets

Our government is actually adding up all of its bills each year and printing exactly as much money as it needs to pay its debts.  This is worthless paper currency backed up by absolutely nothing.  That's what economists mean when they refer to monetizing the debt. It literally means turning the debt into money... or at least into worthless Federal Reserve Notes which are then used to pay our debts.  If the government needs money they just print it. Whatever they need they print.  Our Federal government and the Federal Reserve Board are both complicit in this fraud that they are perpetrating on the rest of the world. Whatever the Federal government owes, that is the amount that the U.S.Treasury Department under the direction of the Federal Reserve Board prints. If it owes a billion dollars, it prints a billion dollars.  If it owes 100 billion dollars then it prints 100 billion dollars. Whatever the government needs to pay its debts, that is the amount that the Treasury Department prints.  In other words whatever Lola wants Lola gets.  We should all be ashamed that this scam is being done in our name.

The Effects of the Federal Reserve Board

All of the dollars that are being held here in America or kept in overseas bank accounts by foreign governments as well as all of our own individual personal savings and retirement accounts are all being effectively devalued by this corrosive policy of monetizing the debt. The value of all of the dollars in the world is being adversely affected by this currency manipulation by the Federal Reserve Board. Is it any wonder then that the United States of America is held in such low esteem around the world?  Our government is cheating foreign investors who lend America money by purchasing our U.S. Treasury Bills. We are cheating others who buy and sell products using their American dollars. Is it any wonder that Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa are trying to establish their own international currency trading organizations and trying to remove the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Our government is acting like a bunch of crooks and thieves when it steals the wealth right back from these other nations that we lost to them because of our imbalance of trade payments. We are doing this by manipulating the value of our currency instead of removing a myriad of government regulations that prevent American companies from competing effectively in the world and allowing them to design new technologies and new products right here in America thus creating wealth for our country the fair way.

Enumerated Powers

The last US Treasury Note was printed in the early 1900s.  The Constitution expressly prohibits the printing of paper currency by the States.(Art 1 Sec 10) In a 9-2 vote of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention they altogether deleted the power to print paper currency from the enumerated powers given to Congress as well.  Thus neither the Federal Government nor any of the States has the Constitutional authority to print paper currency.  Congress only has the power to coin money and to regulate the value thereof.  (Art. 1 Sec 8 & 10).

FRN's: Federal Reserve Notes or Fraudulent Reserve Notes?

We don't print US Treasury notes anymore.  We allow the Federal Reserve Board to print worthless Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) instead of US Treasury Notes. There are no more Silver Certificates being printed that are redeemable in silver upon demand.  All we have left are these worthless paper Federal Reserve Notes distributed by the same banking cartel that is responsible for monetizing the debt  and manipulating our currency and which uses other such unethical banking practices like "fractional banking.", That means that even banks don't keep enough of these worthless Federal Reserve Notes around to pay all of their creditors. Boy oh boy are we in trouble.

The Borrower is a Slave to the Lender

It is said that the power to tax is the power to rule, and the power to mint or print currency is every bit as important as the power to tax. One of the effects of printing money is inflation.  Inflation is called "the hidden tax" because it decreases the value of money.  Printing more money decreases the value of all the money that is in circulation.  Thus you have inflation and American dollars become worth less than they used to be worth.  To put it a different way... the power to print money is the power to rule.

The power to lend money is also the power to rule.  Furthermore it is said that, "The borrower is a slave to the lender."  Our Federal Government borrows billions maybe even trillions of dollars from the Federal Reserve and overseas lenders like China every year.  That makes our Federal Government and by extension all of us, slaves to the Federal Reserve Board or to whomever our government owes large amounts of money.

Inflation is a Tool for the Redistribution of Wealth

They don't actually have to come and get the money out of your bank account in order to take it away from you. All they have to do is print more money which devalues all of the currency in circulation including the money in your bank account. That makes the money that you have worth a little bit less. That is wealth transferred and mission accomplished. Then the elites can argue among themselves about how to redistribute it, but inflation is a tool for the redistribution of wealth.

Our Involuntary Servitude

The effects of our involuntary servitude are obvious for anyone to see. Every time the Federal Reserve Board prints more paper money, our hard earned dollars become worth a little bit less. This includes all of those dollars that are stored in personal savings accounts and individual retirement accounts across America. However for the Federal Government which is deeply in debt to the Federal Reserve Board and to overseas investors the inflation caused by printing more money just means that our government can repay its debts with cheaper dollars even as our own personal assets dwindle in real value too.  This continued practice assumes that big lenders to our government like China which holds a lot of our debt will keep falling for this trick and continue to purchase more of our bonds.

At the Mall

While American consumers are happily shopping for Chinese silverware to adorn their tables, China is busy gobling up American silver mines, and most of the silver that is in what used to be our mines isn't going back into the manufacture of the flatware that is adorning our tables, I can assure you of that.  The Chinese are not stupid. While we are out at the mall buying their cheap merchandise or at Walmart trying to fill up our houses with the work of their hands, China is grabbing up strategic natural resources like oil fields, coal mines, and other strategic national assets. They are purchasing ownership in American automobile companies like G.M., in petroleum companies, and in commercial real estate ventures like the Port of Long Beach. Not too long ago they even purchased the Panama Canal.  Our country is being sold out faster than we can recognize what is actually going on. If we don’t stem the flow of our dollars overseas and stop trading our weakened American dollars for cheap crap coming from Asia then we shall not remain a world class power for much longer, and we shall not remain free for much longer either. I'll see you at the mall.

"The truth, the political truth, and nothing but the political truth.
A journalist has no better friend than the truth."
- Scott Rohter

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