Serious Political Commentary for Serious Conservatives

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Alphabet News Networks and Talk Radio’s Crackers
By Scott Rohter, March 2012 - Updated November 2013

Campbell Soup Company makes a pretty good tasting broth called alphabet soup.  It has a tomato base and it’s loaded with plenty of tasty little pieces of pasta shaped in the letters of the alphabet.  It’s been on the grocery store shelves since I was a little boy, and that’s over sixty years of serving up some pretty good tasting meals to millions of satisfied customers. The Mainstream News Media is sometimes jokingly referred to as the Alphabet News Networks.  Unlike the Campbell Soup however, what they cook up is not nearly as good or nutritious for you.

The Alphabet News Networks are ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, and FOX News. They all tilt to the left, and most of the stuff they cook up is nothing more than a "toxic brew" of progressive propaganda.  That’s why I suggest you don’t taste their soup without having some good Talk Radio "crackers" right at your side in order to help you digest it.  This way their twisted news of the day that is always cooked up by the Liberal media won’t leave you with such a bad taste in your mouth, or cause any potentially harmful side effects which can come from the constant misrepresentation of the facts that their stories always leave behind in your head.  Don’t partake of the alphabet news network's soup of the day without a good helping of right-wing “crackers” from Conservative Talk Radio to help you digest it. Otherwise the repetitive exposure could prove to be fatal.

Just take this one example of the Mainstream Media's yellow journalism... In 2012 Mitt Romney won the Illinois Primary but not by a very big margin. The Mainstream Media was in full spin and damage control mode for several days after his victory because Rick Santorum spent only a fraction of the money that Romney spent in Illinois, and he actually did quite good there.  In particular CBS, National Public Radio, and the Chicago Tribune produced several different versions of the same push piece of journalism that said that Mitt Romney “ran away” with the Illinois Primary. Romney only had about 46% of the vote and Santorum had 35% of the vote.  A switch of only five small percentage points would have turned that Primary into a real horse race!  And yet the Mainstream Media was describing it as a romp for Romney.  It doesn’t sound like a romp to me. It sounds more like an example of push journalism. It sounds more like spin and wishful thinking if you ask me.

In addition, the progressive press tried very hard to spin the results of the Illinois Primary in this way. They said that all of the Republicans with college degrees voted for Mitt Romney. In other words all of the better educated and more intelligent people voted for Romney. All of the rest of the people without college degrees voted for Rick Santorum. So they implied that we were not smart enough to know how to vote right. We are just stupid, right-wing, Christian conservatives that President Obama said are always clinging to our Bibles and our guns. Well, I actually have a slightly different interpretation...

Perhaps the notion that people who graduate from college are more intelligent than the rest of the public should actually be re-examined and subjected to a little scrutiny.  With all of the constant partying and beer drinking that goes on around college campuses, should we just blithely assume that most college students are there to receive an education, or to actually learn something besides how to keep from barfing after imbibing too much alcohol?  A college degree doesn’t actually make anyone smart, and the absence of one shouldn’t imply to the media that somebody is stupid. There are other ways to assimilate information, especially today in the information age.  The assumption that people who don’t receive a college eduction are just incapable of properly deciding how to vote is rather condescending and just plain erroneous.  And the assumption that colleges and universities are actually producing smart people is simply not true. 

At best colleges and universities merely impart some important information and supply a few additional facts to a person's existing education which gives someone who is probably already smart a big edge over their competition when it comes to looking for a job. At worst, our nation’s colleges and universities are guilty of perpetuating a myth and a false stereotype. They are guilty of neglecting the basic fundamentals of an education, and merely pushing politically correct propaganda on a generation of unsuspecting, substance addicted youth who can't even think for themselves because they have never learned how to think!  Instead, they have been brainwashed into total conformity.  Perhaps some of the most intelligent people in the world today don’t bother to go to college because they are able to think for themselves and they already know this. Maybe they are not excessively worried about finding a job either. They will certainly not have to spend the next ten years of their life paying back their student loans.

To be sure, the reason that most children go to college is because their parents expect them to go to college and because their friends are going too, or because of the prospect of drastically improving their earning potential later on in life. But at the ripe old age of nineteen I highly suspect that the majority of young college age students aren't worried about their earning potential later in life.  Most children go to college strictly for social reasons, and not for any great intellectual purposes either.  That’s why campus life is often just one big party from semester to semester, and students find the time to study and cram for their tests in between weekly alcoholic binges.  So I’m not so sure that portraying college educated Romney voters as smarter than the rest of the people who voted in the Illinois Republican Primary as the Chicago Tribune and National Public Radio actually did is really true. After reading this article what do you think?

"The truth, the political truth, and nothing but the political truth.
A journalist has no better friend than the truth."
- Scott Rohter

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